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Friday, February 24, 2012

Google marks the anniversary of 707 for the death of Ibn Battuta

            Salutes the company (Google), on Saturday, the anniversary of 707 for the death of the famous Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta.

According to the company, the slogan of the home page of the search engine (Google) "Christtefi Balrahalh Saturday, historian and the judge and the Moroccan scholar Ibn Battuta on the anniversary of the birthday festival íœ707 as one of the world's greatest travelers in history."

He added the same source, that the logo "will run all day tomorrow and will include scenes from multiple Adventures of Ibn Battuta in various parts of Africa, Europe and the Middle East, Asia and China."

The search engine will allow users to "identify the journeys of Ibn Battuta by reviewing a lot of different features, which he visited."

It is noteworthy that (Google) allows users to explore the most important journeys of Ibn Battuta, which date back to the year 1355 AD, in both Arabic and English, after he has prepared and assembled.

Ibn Battuta is Muhammad bin Abdullah who was born in Tangier in 1304 AD, he decided in 1325 AD, the son of 21 years to travel to perform Hajj but his following continues 28 years he spent exploring and visiting the Arab countries and African and several Asian.

The most prominent among his travels Ibn Battuta and his travels in his famous book "flights" in four parts

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